普通人的环球航海故事(二)| 从小播下航海梦一路成长的麦公子

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Stories of Ordinary People Sailing Around the World, Season Two, Part Two, 

Gentleman Mai’s Story of How the Seed to Sail Was Sowed and Reaped


Prelude: After joining in Leg 3 from Cape Town, South Africa to Albany, Australia, Clipper Round the World 2015-16, the writer wrote series of column articles for a Chinese magazine, Global Children Sailing to introduce stories about Clipper sailors.  This year, with the awarding of Clipper 2019-20 Race Winner by Qingdao team, all the Chinese Clipper crew are proud that more people are getting increasingly curious about the sport and the crew.  Thus, Season Two of Stories of Ordinary People Sailing Around the World is launching with both Chinese and English to help more people understand the stories behind.  Why the ocean is so attractive?  What is the difference between you and them?  Will you be one of them to challenge yourself and embrace the ocean as well?  You are welcome to get to know them, to know sailing and to love the ocean.




Gentleman Mai’s  real name is Mingxuan MAI, originally from Huizhou, Guangdong province.  He is a former member of Shenzhen Sea Wolf Sailing Team, a professional sailing team in China.  As the Qingdao Ambassador Crew for Clipper Round the World Yacht Race 2019-20, he joined in the last 2 legs from San Francisco to Bermuda and to New York, as well as from New York to London with his contribution for the first ever Race Winner of Clipper 19-20 in the race history of 18 years for Qingdao team.  However, the minute he finished the celebration with the team at the Finishing Gala, he immediately rushed back home, hoping to fulfill his promise to accompany his lovely little daughter on her first day at school.  A sailor with a trophy and a dad with a gentle heart, what would his story that's behind the wondrous tales of sailing around the world be?




His Sailing Dream from Computer Game, Uncharted Waters



As a child, Gentleman Mai was active as other boys. Like all the little boys and girls, he loves computer games.  What’s set him apart though was the love affair he had with sailing because of the game, Uncharted Waters; he began to lay out a plan on how to conquer more oceans and to build his wealth through trading.  He started reading all sorts of books for instance 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Mysterious Island, and even geography atlas, became his repository of marine knowledge vital to not only his winning in the computer game, it also started him off in his own real-life version of Uncharted Waters.





Journey for His Dream after Grown Up



With the accompany of Uncharted Waters, Gentleman Mai grew up and became a civil servant after he graduated from university in 2006.  In his spare time, he began to plan about how to start sailing for real.  At that time, the sport of sailing is developing slowly in China but It is so far away from him living in Huizhou.  It might be for the reason that Gentleman Mai went to Hong Kong in 2016 to learn the weekend sailing course with RYA, the British Royal Yacht Association, which is a two-day and one-night course; just to bring the dream closer to reality.  This is the first time for him to experience sailing in the real world, not in the game of Uncharted Waters.  Alas, reality is not exactly the same as the game.  As he had some drinks together with friends in Shenzhen, he began to be car sick and boat sick after arriving in Hong Kong.  It was not the experience he was looking for, having to spend the entire course in bed, not understanding a word what the British coach said.  Needless to say, it was not only a huge disappointment but also a big setback for him.


可是少年时代就深深扎根的梦想不是那么轻易就会放弃的,麦公子回去之后恶补英语,准备体能,2、3个月以后,继续报名参加RYA为期5天的船员培训。这一次,香港教练执教,虽然RYA的课程也必须是英语教学,但实在有需要的时候还是可以用母语来请教香港教练的,晕船的情况也好了好多,有备而来的他顺顺利利完成学业,颇为愉快地成为RYA认证合格船员。于是接着学,几个月后特意去泰国参加了更高级别的RYA Day Skipper(日间船长)为期5天的培训。虽然这个培训香港也可以上,但为了去看不同的海,体会更多的海域,麦公子刻意选了泰国这个培训点。这一次特别幸运,只有两个学员,一个老外一个麦公子,加上之前一直在惠州恶补英语,这一次无论是和教练、同学的交流,充分理解授课内容以及操作,都有明显提升,相对第一次晕乎乎几乎全军覆没的培训,这一次懂了70%-80%,自己感觉是学得最扎实最开心的一次。

However, the dream that has been deeply rooted in adolescence is not so easy to give up with Gentleman Mai.  He started to learn English studiously and even got fitness training after getting back home.  2 to 3 months later, he enrolled for another RYA course, a 5-day sailing training.  This time, the coach is from Hong Kong.  Even though the RYA courses must be taught in English, it is still possible for him to ask in mother tongue when it got really too difficult for him.  He also got better with the sea sick.  So very happily, he finished this training and became a RYA certificated sailor.  


Then he kept learning and joined another RYA Day Skipper course for five-day in Thailand after several months.  This course is available in Hong Kong as well, but Gentleman Mai particularly chose the venue to be in Thailand as he wished to experience different parts of the sea.   This time, he got the luck.  With only two students in the training, a foreigner and him, and with his continuously working on English, he felt much, much easier to understand and enjoyed both the talk with the coach and colleague and the sailing practice.  Very happily, he felt he could understand 70-80% of the training, which is much better than the last course that he almost only got zero. This is the most happy time for his sailing training with RYA so far.




Experience with Sailing Regattas and Sea Wolf


几次培训下来,从小随着“大航海时代”积累起来的挑战习惯开始回升,于是麦公子积极在国内参加各种可能的帆船比赛,例如中国杯、海帆赛。为了更无旁骛地专心练船,2018年他干脆从令人羡慕的公务员岗位上辞职, 然后以优秀的综合能力和积极好学的精神加入位于深圳的职业帆船赛队-海狼队。在这里,和更多高水平的帆船队员一起训练,后来,海狼队移师香港,和庞先生麾下的自力号一起训练。庞先生号称香港“钢铁大王”,酷爱帆船,组建自力号多年,亲自带领自力号的日常高水平训练以及国内外各种帆船比赛,除了培养了很多香港优秀船员以外,也为大陆深爱帆船的年轻人提供免费的培训机会,深受大家的敬佩。麦公子如饥似渴地学习着,不管是帆船技巧,还是船只保养、维修,只要和帆船相关的,都用心学习、用心积累,彷佛少年人疯狂玩“大航海时代”的通关热情再度被激发。这一年,他和海狼队队友们密切合作,在“俱乐部杯”、“香港台风杯”的比赛中多次获得冠军。一年多以后,2019年10月,因为香港暴动时局变得不那么稳定,海狼队全部回到深圳。停不下来的麦公子继续选择了去兰卡威学习RYA的Coast Skipper(近岸船长)课程,这一次,600海里的学习和实操,充满了享受,也让他更多思考:下一个台阶,在哪里?在结识了更多国内帆船“前辈”之后,他也接触了美国ASA帆船课程体系,并且考下了ASA教练证书,为自己多做了一些储备。

After several rounds of training, the habit for challenging developed since childhood with the game Uncharted Waters was getting back.  Gentleman Mai started to join in some possible sailing regatta in China, like China Cup, Round Hainan Regatta.  He resigned from his position in the government in 2018 to better focus on sailing.  He was then selected by Sea Wolf Sailing Team, a professional sailing team in Shenzhen for his competence in sailing and desire to learn.  In the new team, he was able to get training with more experienced and skilled  sailors.  When the team moved to Hong Kong for their regular training, they got their training together with another good professional team in Hong Kong, JELIK.  JELIK is owned by Mr. Pang, the famous King of Steel in Hong Kong who loves sailing a lot.  He established JELIK and joined by himself for high-level trainings and sailing regattas in and out of Hong Kong.  He contributed a lot not only to develop the Hong Kong outstanding sailors but also to provide free training opportunities for young people in mainland.  He is highly respected by many people.  Gentleman Mai tried very hard to learn everything about sailing, no matter it is about sailing skills or about the boat maintenance and repair.  Anything related with sailing got his attention.  He learned so passionately, just like the time at his childhood to play the game Uncharted Waters.  


This year, he worked closely with his team at Sea Wolf to win several champions in the regattas like The Club Challenge Match, UK Sailmakers Typhoon Series. One year later, in October 2019, when there was some trouble in Hong Kong, the Sea Wolf team returned back to Shenzhen.  Gentleman Mai didn’t want to stop his learning in sailing and went to Pulau Langkawi to learn the Coast Skipper course with RYA.  This time, it is a training and practice program for 600 nautical miles.  It is very enjoyable.  He also started to think where should be his next step? After meeting with more people in the sailing world, he got to know the American ASA programs for sailing.  Then he got the ASA coach certificates to prepare for future.




Meeting Clipper



Echo, the team manager of Sea Wolf was a Qingdao Ambassador Crew for Clipper Round the World Yacht Race 2015-16.  When she saw the love and passion for sailing by Gentleman Mai, she naturally talked about the Clipper race and the news to recruit Qingdao Ambassador Crew 2019-20.  Of course, he enrolled without any hesitation by the end of 2018 and waited to add this cross ocean experience for his sea log.  His long-time preparation and love for the sea was paid off.  He was selected for the first round selection in 2019 and then passed the second round by paper test,  fitness test and English interview.  Now, he became a proud Qingdao Ambassador Crew 2019-20.  Even though he was first arranged as the replacement crew and did not get his assigned legs for the race, he still joined the four levels of trainings for the Clipper crew in UK.  This time, he was getting so well with the training in English and the ocean life that he enjoyed and learned a lot.  After that, he went back to China and waited patiently for his exciting adventure in the ocean like he had dreamed since his childhood with the Uncharted Waters.  Unfortunately, the pandemic began and the race was suspended.  No one knows when it would be resumed.  There seems to have a misty fog ahead in the ocean.





Starting a Sailing Club



While he was waiting, Gentleman Mai thought he could start to do something instead as he could not start his own dream as planned.  So at the beginning of 2021, Gentleman Mai set up a Sothis Yacht Club together with some friends and coaches.  They worked together to provide dingy training for young people, winter and summer sailing camps, sailing training for adults with ASA system, as well as cooperate team building and off-shore sailing experience for adults.  In his mind, no matter what types of sailing, as long as it is good for the development of sailing in a long term run, it is worth trying.  Maybe all the good things are always accompanied with some challenges.  After the set up of the club, Shenzhen closed the sea.  The club had to change their route and started to try sailing in coasts round China.





The Resume of Clipper



The  Clipper race was resumed in February 2022.  Crew around the world were asked whether they could be able to join in the second half of the race, including the supplement ones like Gentleman Mai.  He immediate said YES and began to apply for the visa to Philippines.  In that moment, he felt like the animals in hibernation being woken up by the arrival of Spring.  Unfortunately, the time and procedures needed for the visa is not as quick as he hoped.  He could not be granted the visa in time for Subic Bay.  The good thing for him is that he applied for the visa to America as soon he became the Qingdao Ambassador Crew in 2019.  Then he talked to the event organizer to join in the next leg in America.  The only pity is that he had to miss his favorite leg to cross Pacific Ocean this time as the race cancelled the stop over in Sanya, Zhuhai and Qingdao and directly went from Subic Bay to Seattle hanged the route.




Back to the race itself, Qingdao team had quite a few troubles similar to him.  The running backstay was found damaged after starting from Philippines not too long.  It was caused by the staying in the harbor for nearly 2 years during the pandemic.  The skipper felt it might be broken if continue sailing or if there was strong wind.  For the sake of safety of the whole team, he reported to the organizer and then was told to get it repaired in Yokusuka, Japan.  After the repairment, the team had to wait for the passing of strong typhoon.  Eventually, Qingdao team need to sail along by themselves to cross the Pacific Ocean for San Francisco and then rejoin the fleet.




In this way, Gentleman Mai joined in the Qingdao team in San Francisco.  At that time, there were many changes in terms of crew members alongside with the changes during the race.  The Skipper was so happy that Mai joined as an experienced sailor.  He arranged some test on boat for his skills and happily arranged him as one of the helmsmen for the team.  He told the new team to fight till the end of the race, just as what the team had agreed at the first team meeting before the race started in 2019 and no matter how difficult it was now.  Gentleman Mai thought happily that his dream from Uncharted Waters at early ages finally got the chance to be real and to fully enjoy.  While, he soon found out that it was not that case working with a skipper who only focused on winning.  The skipper would require 5 times of changing sails in one watch of 4-hours, which means the change between sail code 3 to code 2, to code 1, to code 0.  Everyone had to work very hard all the time and really exhausted after off watch.   They could only take the breath and rest after work.  Every time on watch at the deck and off watch in the cabin working as cook, cleaner and resting in turn, the only thing for the team is to win, win and win.  Gentleman Mai kept in high pressure all the time.  He felt that the cross ocean sailing is not as easy as the fleet racings and maybe the only thing to do is to hang on and hang on.





Wishes about Sailing after the Championship



From San Francisco to Bermuda and to New York and from New York to London, after two legs of hard working, nearly competent fighting, Qingdao team won the Race Winner of 2019-20.  This is the first time in the history of 18 years and 8 consecutive races for Qingdao team to join in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race.  This is also the best award for Gentleman Mai in sailing.  Differently this time, the only thing he wanted to do after the award ceremony is just to get back home.  The reason is that he had promised his lovely daughter to start the first day in school as a primary student before he set out for this trip.  Probably, after witnessing the welcoming and sending off by the families and children of the foreign sailors in every stop over harbor, he became more and more missing his own families.  Maybe, this is the same for everyone getting far away from the land.  While, when he rushed all the way back to China, he needed to be quarantined as the pandemic controlling.  He had to stay at the quarantine hotel and accompanied his little love to start her day one as a primary student online in the clouds with the modern technology.



Gentleman Mai compared cross ocean racing like Clipper with the fleet racing and felt they were so different.  Cross ocean one is a long journey, very difficult and needs people to be flexible under high pressure.  But it is very rewarding with the beautiful scenes all the way including sun rise, sun set, watching the stars on the deck and enjoying the jumping of dolphins besides you.  That type of beauty is so unusual and so unforgettable.  Fleet racing however, like music with a fast tempo, is short, quick and exciting, but there is no views to enjoy.  It is difficult to say one is better than the other.



After experiencing the long-distance sailing as well as fleet races, what Gentleman Mai would like to focus on now is to mange his sailing club well and help more people to love sailing and ocean.  He also wishes to sail with a Chinese traditional sailing boat, junk, around the world, with no rush for races and just enjoy the views, the geography, the people and the nature.  He only wishes to experience the different parts of the world with his family and to support more people to love the ocean in their own ways. Perhaps, now that thousands of sails have passed, the dream that sprouted from the Uncharted Waters when he was a teenager has now come to shape a unique path of his own.  What about you, will you sail out for a path of your choosing one too?


*关于克利伯环球帆船赛:克利伯环球帆船赛(Clipper Round The World Yacht Race,https://www.clipperroundtheworld.com)是全球最有影响力的环球航海赛事之一,首届赛事于1996年举办,每两年举办一次,比赛线路途经六大洲,全程共40000多海里,完成整个赛程需要近一年时间,每届参赛人数近700余名。赛事欢迎航海爱好者及无航海经验的人士报名参加,通过四周严格的赛前培训后,在专业船长和大副的带领下完成环球比赛。截止目前,全球已有6000余人、中国已有近130人通过参加克利伯环球帆船赛,完成了他们环球航海的人生梦想。

About Clipper Round The World Yacht Race  (https://www.clipperroundtheworld.com): The Clipper Race is one of the biggest challenges of the natural world and an endurance test like no other.  It was started in 1996 as a biannual event.  It's a 40,000 nautical mile race around the world acrossing six continents in nearly one year.  There are around 700 people to join in each edition.  The race is open to sailing lovers and non-experienced ones.  Every candidate will have to pass a four-week strict training and then join in each team with a fully qualified skipper and first mate to safely guide the crew.  By now, nearly 6000 people all over the world and around 130 Chinese people have enjoyed the Clipper race and their dreams of crossing the ocean and circumnavigation.



Note: The photos and videos in this article are coming from Clipper Website & Weichat & Vlog of Gentleman Mai.  Thanks.  If you would like to use or quote the article, please make reference, or contact the author for authorization.





作者Author | 陈杰

英文编辑 English Editor |  Vii C

图文来源 Origin of the Article | JieCHENClipper201516 微信公众号

欢迎投稿 | yachter@yachter123.com


更新时间:2024年3月21日 11:28

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