普通人的环球航海故事(三)| 误打误撞开始航海的侠义福将罗小刀

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L, A Lucky Sailor Starting Sailing by Chance,

Part Three, Season Two, Stories of Ordinary People Sailing Around the World



Prelude: After joining in Leg 3 from Cape Town, South Africa to Albany, Australia, Clipper Round the World 2015-16, the writer wrote series of column articles for a Chinese magazine, Global Children Sailing to introduce stories about Clipper sailors.  This year, with the awarding of Clipper 2019-20 Race Winner by Qingdao team, all the Chinese Clipper crew are proud that more people are getting increasingly curious about the sport and the crew.  Thus, Season Two of Stories of Ordinary People Sailing Around the World is launching with both Chinese and English to help more people understand the stories behind.  Why the ocean is so attractive?  What is the difference between you and them?  Will you be one of them to challenge yourself and embrace the ocean as well?  You are welcome to get to know them, to know sailing and to love the ocean.




Our next sailor is known by many names. Her real name is Xiaoyu LUO but is usually known by her former colleagues at Tencent as XiaoDao LUO (meaning “Knife”); a nickname she has given herself as the normal practice there. She was also known by the international sailing community as “L”. She started sailing by chance in 2016, and began to use all her available time such as overtime off-in lieu and annual leave to go sailing.  She was the Qingdao Ambassador Crew of Clipper Round the World Yacht Race 2017-18 and 2019-20.  There are already quite a few stories about L for her “righteousness” in the “pugilistic world” of sailing. 




First Experience: Mistaken Rowing for Sailing. 



L joined the taekwondo team of the Hebei Provincial Martial Arts Team since her childhood.  Even though she was not part of the professional team, she was very well-trained from her daily practice with the team.  7 years in taekwondo; a decade in wrestling, Thai boxing and jiujitsu has laid a solid foundation in agility and ability to focus.  Her friends always like to invite her to their sports activities.  She is well loved by all.





Her chance encounter with sailing began in 2016 when she was asked by her former boss to replace him at the last minute for the Xiamen New Year Sailing Regatta while working in Tencent. He could not join in due to an emergency business meeting.  You can be a “luggage crew” in a sailing team if you do not have a lot of sailing experience – to assist when help is needed especially sitting at the edge of boat for hiking.  L didn’t know what sailing was at all at that time, but just thought that was to row a boat.  She refused immediately and told the boss, “I may be physically strong in body but I’m actually weak in the arms. I am afraid that I could not help you.’  



The boss told her firmly, “You are not going to row a boat.  All you need to do is just to sit there.”



So, L joined in that racing boat in Xiamen but found out that the crew team save for the skipper and first maid, were all luggage crew like her. From the fleet match to the rally, the first maid got seasick with the continuous sailing.   All the work on the boat was left to the poor skipper himself who was quickly exhausted as no one else has the experience with yacht sailing to help him.  Being witness to a hopeless situation, L went off to the bow hoping to be a half Bowman, a sailor in the bow keeps watching, deal with the sheets there and help with rig in and out when changing sails.  She thought it did not matter whether she was capable enough or not, but at least could help a bit when there was someone there.  A 10-year kid in the boat, who was the only one who has done some dingy sailing even told her not to worry, he’ll coach her. 



The kid worked together with the skipper to give her instructions in the bow. Seeing this, other luggage crew were inspired to help out with whatever they could.  Maybe the team spirit and everyone’s potential could be easily promoted when there was crisis, this very unexperienced crew team quickly got what they should do and even started to use the spinnaker.  Working together, this crew team managed to come in with the fifth position in the race, not bad for a novice crew.



At that time there came a calling for help from the VHF and they were the closest to that boat who needed help.  The skipper knew the boat of the organizer nearby would take care of that and did not give any instruction for help others.  Probably, those who didn’t know the whole picture have no fearless for the unknown.  All the luggage crew said they would not stand doing nothing but would like to help.  The kid was very emotional and moved the helm while he was pushing.  The boat moved out of the fleet and gradually got further and further from the main fleet.  The wind got weaker and weaker in the later part of the race, all the boats had to float on the sea and wait.  Their boat was not among the main fleet but was encountered with a current and floated forward little by little without their awareness.  After a while, the organizer announced the race was over because of the wind and the prize would be given according to their current position.  With their wish to save others and that current, their boat floated on to the third place.  At the award ceremony that evening, only the skipper himself went up to the stage for the award, all the luggage crew were clapping with the audience.  None of them thought they deserved the prize for sailors, but they just remembered their very first sailing experience.




Calm Handling of the Scary Moments At Sea, Haikou.



L’s boss thought she was a “blessed general” with her third prize at the first-ever sailing and generously allowed her to use his boat for sailing and often recommended her to participate in various competitions. In this way, L gathered much sailing experience in Xiamen, Hainan, Qingdao where there are numerous sea and sailing clubs.  In 2017 when she went to Haikou for business, she went to a club for sailing during work breaks.  Beijing people are quite good talkers.  L spoke with them and immediately thought she was an experienced sailor so they let her set sail with the Laser by herself.  They did not follow her as they normally did for new sailors.



L sailed out easily as brave as a swordsman.  The children on the bank all looked at her with admiration.  Suddenly a gust of strong wind blew her boat into the middle of the sea.  She found that she could not get back.  What should she do?  

L looked at the watch and noticed that she would be late for her meeting with the business partner.  She took out her mobile from the pocket of the life jacket, shared her location and apologized that she might be late for one hour for the meeting and asked for some patience. Then she started to ponder on how to save herself while consoling herself she could just float to the other side of the world since it’s round. No biggie as you’ll always come back to the start point in full circle. 


“保持淡定、保持淡定,”小刀告诉自己,头脑中关于帆船的各种知识、各种画面一帧帧翻过,慢慢摸索,她居然就开始压舷起来,感觉到有点效果以后,接着压,船速起来,风的感觉和帆的配合越来越好,她就这么一路七扭八拐的居然逐渐就让自己回到岸上,岸上围观的小朋友们一起齐齐欢呼起来“姐姐好厉害!” 精疲力尽的小刀喘口气定定神,问教练和救生员为什么不去救自己呢?结果人家告诉她:“我们看你的船很稳定呀,没有翻船也没有呼救,停了一会儿还回来了,你不是压舷还压得挺好的吗?”小刀无语了,人家说的没错呀,估计出发前自己瞎贫嘴人家不是北京人,不懂得这个,当真以为自己老水手呢。于是上岸换好衣服回归职场丽人的模样,赶回去和合作方开会,顺顺当当搞定工作。

‘Keep calm, keep calm.’ L told herself and started to think about the sailing skills she knew.  Pictures and knowledges about sailing were reflecting quickly in her mind like movies.  She kept trying and even began to hike by herself.  Feeling the good progress of hiking, she kept hiking.  The boat kept moving in a nice way, working well with the wind and the sail.  She kept moving here and there in the sea and then managed to get back.  All the children on the bank were cheering for her, ‘ You are great, older sister.’ Dog-tired L took a breath and asked why the coach and lifeguard did not go rescuing her.  They told her, ‘ We saw your boat is steady, no capsize of the boat and no calling for help.  You stopped for a while and then got back.  Didn’t you do a good job for hiking?’  L totally could not say anything.  Yes they were right.  Maybe they did not know the way of talking by Beijing people and thought she was an experienced sailor before she sailed out.  She got back on the land and changed herself back to a business lady.  She rushed back for her business meeting and settled the work beautifully.




Saving Others Unconsciously in Midnight at Qingdao Team


2017年中秋,罗小刀作为克利伯环球帆船赛2017-18青岛号大使船员参加乌拉圭到南非赛段的比赛。冲线当晚罗小刀值夜班,和同组一个外国船员共同负责Grander(双摇把绞盘,戏称“咖啡研磨机”,船上的动力输出设施,用来摇动升降帆),和队友面对面握紧Grander的摇把随时准备着听号令收放球帆,小刀在高舷那一侧,搭档在低舷那边。刚刚换班的凌晨12点左右,两个人都没有带头灯上甲板,黑漆漆的夜里什么也看不见,突然咯噔咯噔两三声响后,船侧翻了,那位站在低舷位置的队友夜里迷糊,把本该扣在高处的安全绳扣扣在了低处,这下子飞了出去。这一颠罗小刀下意识中跳到了Grander上面,一伸手拉住了队友救生衣的脖领处,一把把人家拉住在了高舷Winch(绞盘)附近,队友的身子半悬出了船外。可能大家都没经历过这样的惊险,队友着急地告诉她:“快撒手吧,你要赶快Grand In,把落水的帆收回来吧。”完全没有意识到如果小刀一撒手,自己很有可能就落水了。

During the Mid-Autumn Festival of 2017, L participated in the Uruguay to South Africa leg as Qingdao Ambassador Crew for Clipper Round the World Yacht Race 2017-18.  On that fateful evening, she has encountered a crisis unlike any other she has experienced before. They were about reach the finishing line, she was on watch and responsible for the Grander together with another crew.  They stood on each side of the grander, ready for the in and out of spinnaker anytime.  L was on the high side and the partner was on the low side.  It was around 12 o’clock in the midnight when they just got on watch. Suddenly there came some cracking noises and boat was leaning heavily. Both of them went on the deck without wearing the headlight.  They could hardly see anything in the dark evening. The partner on the low side was not fully woke up in the midnight and clicked his safety clip to the jackstay on the low end by mistake which he should click on the high-end jackstay, so he flew out when the boat was leaning and jolting.  L jumped on the grander unconsciously with that jolt and pulling her partner by his neck of the life jacket.  In this way, she pulled him in a position close to the winch of the high side while the partner was half out of the boat.  Without thinking, L’s partner told her to let go of him and save the spinnaker which has fallen into the water. He did not realize that he might get into the water if L leave him free.




L however, stood on the grander and used up all her strength pulling him out of the water and gotten him to hold the winch of the high end of the jackstay.  L jumped off the grander until the main sail was let go and the boat was not on that pressure.  She granted in the sail crazily by herself, as hard as she could for about 15 minutes.  She was so exhausted in that 15 minutes but someone came to help her in the nick of time.  They worked together to get back the main sail and spinnaker, and then raised up the sail to allow the boat back to normal condition.  Everyone on the deck was working on their own position to deal with the sudden crisis.  After another 20 minutes of hard working, the boat was able to keep moving.




After the crisis was over, that partner holding on the winch finally managed to get himself back on his working position on the deck.  Sorting out all the sheets and stuff flying here and there, L was totally out of breath and went down the deck to take a little rest.  She was just sitting there for over 10 minutes and then able to take the water from other crew.  Taking a sip of water, she got back her mind and asked them whether the cabin was OK.  One crew said, ‘I was lying on the door of the engine room.’  Another one said, ‘Look, I managed to save the boiling water.’ After the positive feedback from the crew, L sat for a little while, wrote down the logbook as usual and then back to the deck for her watch.





The next day, when their watch was back to work on deck, the watch leader asked L, ‘ How are you going? You did an excellent job last night! You were very calm.  Did you have this type of accident before?’ L waited for a little while and then said slowly, ‘I felt pain on the skin of my head. Now I am a bit scared.’  After a night, L now realized that she was too focused on the crisis at that time and did not realized that she used all her brain power, which caused the pain of her head.  After getting on land, she made several rounds of revision for the accident that night and thought, ‘Next time, we must take precaution in advance!’




The Spiritual Talk with Qingdao Skipper



The Clipper 17-18 made L wish to sail round the world together with the Clipper race.  So she kept applying for the Qingdao Ambassador Crew 19-20.  This time, she was assigned to take the 8th leg, from Bermuda to New York, then London Derry and then London.  As there kept having accidents with Qingdao team before they got to Bermuda, including the boat damage, repairment, waiting for the typhoon, sailed across the Pacific Ocean alone for San Francisco and reunion with the main fleet, and the always changes with the crew, the previous leading position in the first half of the race was gradually replaced by the worries about the rest race.  Everyone was uncertain whether they could still win as wished.  The whole team was very down after they made two mistakes when they started to get across the Atlantic Ocean.




The wind tunnel and the sail damage made the team spirit even more down, so as the skipper Chris who was very determined to win.  After listening to Chris sharing his worries with the crew members, L talked to him seriously that ‘If you want to cry, you cry.  If you want to eat anything or drink anything, let us know and we will make it for you.  Then you go for a good sleep.  But tomorrow after you wake up, we are still the best sailors in the Atlantic Ocean.  Forget about the positions of the race, who knows the result until the last minute?  If the sail is broken again, we will fix it for you.  You do not need to worry.’




The skipper was a bit shocked.  He never thought of receiving such a spiritual talk by a leg crew who was just a novice.  He said nothing and then left.  The next day, he asked the whole team to sing songs together and then started a new plan with very clear focus: no matter whatever happens, Qingdao team will try the best.



After that, the B&L Fix Everything Co., Ltd, jointly run by L and Bernard, the first sail repair officer in the team worked with their full workload to help with the sails.  They had to squeeze themselves in the narrow path of the cabin for over 10 hours to keep working on the sewing machine.  The working noise of the sewing machine became a full support for the sail changes all the time on deck for the team.  The team spirit was back to normal and high, everyone was determined to win until they win the Race Winner of Clipper 19-20.  The crew members said that L was a lucky person, but L said the luck went to the people who can fix the hearts of each other.





What’s behind the Braveness



It’s easy to be curious about L’s chivalrous bravery.  She attributed to her parents’ wish for her not to only know music, play chess, read books, paint, but also to learn martial arts and use traditional Chinese weapons. To go to more places, to understand different culture, to experience more and to enjoy the process. ‘You can love doing anything, but do not get obsessed with anything especially the fame and prize.  You just try your best for the things you are doing.’ L practices this philosophy by giving away all her prizes, trophies and certificates, leaving no physical recognition but only memories in her name.  The Champion flag for the Bermuda to New York race, was given to her younger brother as soon as she got it.  Her brother came to New York to visit her and worked for Qingdao team.  L said very straightforward, ‘You get the prize and then it’s over.  You will win new ones in the future.’  She used the winning flag to thank her brother for coming to New York far away to support the maintenance work of Qingdao team.  She also encouraged him to win his own flag in the future. 




In L’s opinion, sailing is totally different with other sports.  It is because all the beauty and evil of the human nature would be fully revealed because of the high pressures brought about by sailing.  It would let everyone to be himself/herself in the most nature and real way.  It would also ignite people.  In Clipper 17-18, there was an expat crew who liked to take some chances to relax himself.  He went together with L to the bow to take back the sail.  L did not pay attention and thought it was OK to get someone to help.  Then she was shocked to notice the blood full of his hands when he was taking the sail.  It was caused by the pulling of sheets, first as blisters, then as blood.  L asked him to take out of the hands and went down to handle it first.  He said, ‘No, not now.  Now we need to change sail.  I will take care of it after we finishing changing sail.’  L said there was no hero in the sailing.  The weak one would be ignited and inspired to do well and it would get there when everyone is making his/her efforts for whatever he/she is taking.  This is very rare in other sports.




Probably, this is the same when the news of Qingdao to win the race was announced on the boat, the whole team was cheered aloud.  The Clipper media reporter was on the boat and took that chance immediate to do the interview.  As the Qingdao Ambassador Crew, L was asked first about her winning speech.  L said, ‘Let me think it over.  Can I tell you later after I finish working?’  The reporter was surprised and then asked Doeke, the watcher leader besides L and American, that whether he could be interviewed now.  Doeke laughed, patted the shoulder of L, and said No! He kept laughing and laughing and went back to work after hugging everyone.





Maybe, this is sailor, and this is the reason behind the braveness.  All the sailors for sailing would become pure and develop very sincere friendship.  You may not be able to recall the full name of other sailors, but you certainly know that you can trust them with your life.  After all, they are the ones who will be there for you once you set sail.  Like L who was stuck in London during the pandemic after finishing the race.  She was cared and looked after by other sailors, like family.




If you would like to start your own brave journey and chose sailing, L would like to suggest you to keep practice step by step from the chances you would get hold of easily.  You do not need to aim at how big is the boat you wish to sail, or how fancy is the experience you wish to have, but just take your step and keep practice.  When you are able to build up your sailing experience and your reputation, you will be more able to enjoy sailing.




Probably, the training for athletes from her childhood helped L to love sailing at her first experience, with such dramatic braveness.  She does not think that way but wish she could be more safe.  Sailing is a sport that one cannot take any chances and one must respect life and death, respect mother nature and learn from the lessons of others.  All these was the foundation for the braveness of heroes which needs a lot of practice and enhancement.  It is like the name she gave to herself as Knife while working at Tencent, which means to keep cutting and sharpening by herself for self-development.  L said that there would be long time to sail in the future and she wishes to sail across different parts of the oceans, to experience more interesting routes, to get across the Pacific, around Australia, from South America to South Pole and to get around the North Pole.  Maybe in the future sailing world, you might catch a whiff of L’s stories of chivalrous deeds.



*关于克利伯环球帆船赛:克利伯环球帆船赛(Clipper Round The World Yacht Race,https://www.clipperroundtheworld.com)是全球最有影响力的环球航海赛事之一,首届赛事于1996年举办,每两年举办一次,比赛线路途经六大洲,全程共40000多海里,完成整个赛程需要近一年时间,每届参赛人数近700余名。赛事欢迎航海爱好者及无航海经验的人士报名参加,通过四周严格的赛前培训后,在专业船长和大副的带领下完成环球比赛。截止目前,全球已有6000余人、中国已有近130人通过参加克利伯环球帆船赛,完成了他们环球航海的人生梦想。

About Clipper Round The World Yacht Race  (https://www.clipperroundtheworld.com): The Clipper Race is one of the biggest challenges of the natural world and an endurance test like no other.  It was started in 1996 as a biannual event.  It's a 40,000 nautical mile race around the world acrossing six continents in nearly one year.  There are around 700 people to join in each edition.  The race is open to sailing lovers and non-experienced ones.  Every candidate will have to pass a four-week strict training and then join in each team with a fully qualified skipper and first mate to safely guide the crew.  By now, nearly 6000 people all over the world and around 130 Chinese people have enjoyed the Clipper race and their dreams of crossing the ocean and circumnavigation.


注:本文图片、视频来自于克利伯官网及罗小刀微信、罗小刀在出海和克利伯航海视频号,英文编辑Vii C,特此感谢。文章如需转载或引用,请注明出处,欢迎联系作者获得授权。

Note: The photos and videos in this article are coming from Clipper Website & Weichat & Vlog of Xiaodao LUO & Clipper Sailing.  Vii C helps with editing the English version. Thanks.  If you would like to use or quote the article, please make reference, or contact the author for authorization.





作者Author | 陈杰

英文编辑 English Editor |  Vii C

图文来源 Origin of the Article | JieCHENClipper201516 微信公众号

欢迎投稿 | yachter@yachter123.com


更新时间:2024年3月27日 13:05

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